Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection) Page 4
"You don't know me, or what I've been through!" her eyes fill with tears.
"I want to know you, and I want to understand you."
"Nobody understands me; everyone just wants me to do what they want. Fit in, Azura. Why do you have to be so weird? They should have left you to die, Azura!" she slumps down to the ground in painful sobs.
"Left you? Left you where?" his heart breaks at the sight of her tears. Tobias kneels down beside her and picks her up. "I will never leave you," he says carrying her to their bed.
Kicking off their shoes, he held her close and let her cry in his arms. Waiting patiently for her to speak again, an hour passes before her tears finally run out. She stays in his arms, like a small child, staring blankly into thin air.
"I'm here for you. I won't leave you."
"They forgot me," she breathes, aloud. "I was just a baby, and they forgot about me."
"Who? Your sisters?"
"Everyone, all of them…And, when they got me back, they didn't want to deal with me."
"Who? Your parents?"
"We had a family vacation, when I was just two. Somehow, I became separated from my family. I was seven before I saw them, again."
His heart trembles at her words. "I'm so sorry," he kisses the top of her head. "But, I know your family loves you, very much. There’s no way they accepted that you were missing and just went about their days."
"Then why did it take them so long to find me?"
"I...I don't know, unfortunately. Have you spoken to them about this?"
"They don't know that I still remember."
"We can talk to them, together, if you like."
"No, no, I just want to remember her, again," she trails off.
"Remember who?" he whispers.
"My wolf mother," she answered. She sat up and looked down at him. "I spent five years of my life living with a wolf mother and her cubs. They didn't expect me to ever become a functioning member of society, also I'm a freak...have you ever met someone with eyes like this?" she said pointing to her eyes.
Tobias sat up in bed. Although what she had revealed to him was a lot to take in, he was not about to run from her now. "No. I have never met a girl, or anyone with eyes like yours, and they are so beautiful, why do you hide them behind shades. Anyway that's not important. Azura...I am your husband. I know this may be hard for you to accept but I want this marriage to work. I want us to grow old together. I don't care if you were raised by monkeys. I want you."
"Do you really mean that?"
"Yes," he said leaning over and kissing her soft lips.
Passion & Lust
She missed the sex they had and the spontaneous trips to exotic places, the look on other women's faces as she walked besides him on romantic dates as husband and wife. He was handsome and exotic, unlike any man she had ever dated before and she knew that she took their relationship for granted. Yet, she couldn't let go.
Shelby could not take her new role, as strictly an employee very well. She walks into the mansion's kitchen; grabs the prepared breakfast cart waiting to be delivered to Tobias' suite. The staff directly protests, but she threatens their jobs and they quickly retreat. Pushing the cart into the elevator, she presses the third floor button and ditches her outer garments. Wearing nothing but a matching red lingerie set, equipped with red stilettos, she eagerly awaits for the elevator doors to open. Shoving the cart out into the corridor, she struts her stuff toward her boss’ suite. She last remembered that Azura refuses to sleep in the same suite as Tobias, and convinced he is a sex starved and will be easy to seduce him into having sex with her. Like most men, he wakes already hard. All she needs to do is jump on top.
Gently pushing the door open, Shelby quietly rolls the cart into the center of the room. Turning to take a look at her prize, her mouth drops at the sight before her. Azura is sound asleep, snuggled against Tobias' chest, securely wrapped in his embrace. As she tip-toes out of the room, her rage bubbles over, and she spews an array of curse words on her way back to the elevator.
Seeing the happy couple should have deterred her from further attempts to seduce Tobias. It does not. She sits in his chair, wearing a short skirt suit, with her stiletto heels resting on his desk. It is almost three-o'clock and she attended all the early morning and afternoon meetings. She also took the liberty of clearing his late afternoon meetings; certain he would be busy with her the rest of the night.
Readjusting herself, she removes her G-string, tucking it into his top desk drawer. She prepares herself for him by spreading her thighs apart. Gliding her hands over her well-manicured pussy, she slips her fingers into her wetness. Soft moans escape her mouth as she gently rubs her clit. She imagines Tobias entering the room and finding her in this heated position. Without hesitation, he comes to her, falling to his knees and spreading her thighs farther apart. He covers her wet pussy with his mouth, using his tongue to seek out her clit. Her pulse quickens and her juices flow. The vision of him licking up her juices brings her to the brink of orgasm, when suddenly the office phone rings. Recognizing his cell number, she jumps up to answer it.
"How is the office?" he says sounding light- hearted.
"Oh, it's pretty lonely without you," she breathes heavily into the receiver.
"Is everything alright? You sound out of breath."
"No, everything is fine. I just jumped off of the treadmill."
"You're always staying fit, that’s great. How did the morning meetings go?"
"Great, everything is peachy."
"Well, good. Can you cancel all of my other appointments for the rest of the day? I'll be busy, away from the mansion."
"Are you sure? You have that business trip we need to plan," she says struggling to find a reason for him to come in.
"Yes, contact the pilot and let him know there will be three of us."
"Yes, my wife will be joining us. I will get you a room at a nearby hotel, and we will be staying at the cabin."
"This is a business trip. You really don't have time to play second honeymoon."
"I can hardly...hold on." Shelby listens, with jealousy bursting at her seams, as he speaks to Azura, lovingly. Apparently, she just woke up. "I have to go, Do as I say, or if this is too much for you, I will understand. I will be more than happy to find you another position, with another company. I will even help you relocate."
"That's not it. I just think…"
"We will talk about this later. I will check with the pilot later to confirm the flight status," he ends the call, without a further word.
Shelby slams the phone down onto its cradle. "You want to bring your precious little princess? Well, this will be the last vacation she goes on."
When a certain accident needs to be performed, there is only one man, Shelby can think of, to carry out such a vindictive mission. She scrolls through the contact list on her cell phone, pulling up the number for Jason Cruz. He is a well-known businessman, with a few suspected under-handed deals. No one in town is quite sure what he is capable of, but Shelby knows.
"Oh, you want some more, baby?" he greets her with vulgarity.
"Please. When can we meet? And, it's not what you think."
"Business before pleasure, I got you. I'm at the shop. Come on by, and leave your panties at home," he laughs, before hanging up.
Taking his last few words seriously, Shelby recovers her underwear and slips them back on, before leaving the office. She makes her way downtown to Jason's shop, and seeks him out. Jason's hands are covered in grease and dirt, from working on cars all morning. He grins, displaying a mouth full of gold teeth. "What can I do for you, pretty lady?"
"Stop the bull. I need someone gone, and it can't be traced back to me."
"What's his name?" He groans, and rubs the top of his head and face, as he leans back in his chair.
"Azura Hanson."
"Hanson...you mean, the new Mrs. Cavanaugh?"
"No, I mean, the s
oon-to-be late Mrs. Cavanaugh."
"You're talking big money. I'm not going to do anything without serious padding."
"What are you asking?"
"Who do you think I am?" Shelby gasped.
"All right, four?"
"Really? Oh let me just write you a fake check," she remarked sarcastically.
"Do you realize what you are asking? Do you think this is a game, Mami?" Jason replied.
"Of course it's not a game, but I'm not asking you to kill the president. She is just some girl whom her own family barely wants to claim her. So no one is going to miss her." Shelby said folding her arms across her chest.
Jason fell silent, and then scribbled something on a piece of paper. "Since you really are serious about this, follow these instructions to the letter, don't come back in here, and don’t call me. I will call you." He rips the paper out of the note book and hands it to her. He watches as she leaves his office. He then pulls out his cell phone and places a call.
"This better be a good one," a man with a gravelly voice answered on the other end.
"A real good one," Jason replied. "She's even delivering herself with money," he laughed.
"How did you find this one?"
"She came to me," Jason replied.
"I guess you’re calling the shots on this one."
"We may have to drug this one to turn her out," Jason said lighting a cigarette.
"That's nothing new, let me know the pick up when you’re ready." he said before ending the call.
Jason placed his phone down on his desk and lean back in his chair as he enjoyed his cigarette. For the past three years he has been active in the human trafficking ring. He and his partner would capture women and sell them as either slaves to work in homes across America or sex slaves overseas. It was big business and showed no signs of stopping.
Shelby careens through the traffic, hastily making her way across town to the local hardware store. She read Jason's note and although he came down considerable, she has no intention of working with him. She works out a diabolical plan as she drives, narrowly missing a few collisions. Pulling into the parking lot of George's Hardware, she sits in her car thinking out her plan. "If I run in there, purchasing rope and duct tape, it will be obvious. This has to be done by someone else. But, who?" she whispers.
"An early evening dinner in the garden, wow!" Azura smiles.
"I'm glad you are enjoying it," Tobias replies from his seat across from her. He admires the beautiful setting at the solid cement table with round benches. He pauses for a moment and stares at her.
"What?" She giggles and squirms under the alluring heat of his hazel eyes.
"Can I ask a personal question?"
"That depends." She moves the food around on her plate, with her fork.
"Our wedding night, when I came back to the room, there was something different about you," He said choosing his words, wisely, careful not to upset their evening together.
She drops her fork and places her hands in her lap. Nervously, she looks down and around, as if seeking an escape route. "I don't know what you mean."
"We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to." He says gently. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, it was beautiful. I wake every morning, replaying that night in my mind."
"There’s something..." she pauses, not wanting to think about her struggles for control each time she becomes angry. Recently, she feels this sexual energy rising to the surface each time her eyes meet his. "It's not something I am proud of."
"Why?" he moves closer to her, losing complete interest in the dinner.
"What did my sisters tell you? What have you learned about me?"
"Nothing much, just that they love you very much, and only want the best for you," he lies, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable about how much they insisted he marry her. Tobias wanted to court her first, like a respectable gentleman. However, her family insisted he go along with their elaborate farce.
"They worry about me. I know they think I cannot care for myself. They're afraid I will revert to living like some sort of wild animal." Azura stands and wraps her arms around herself.
"Are you cold?" he quickly offers her his shirt.
"No, I'm fine," she lightly places her hand on his chest, stopping him from lifting his shirt.
Goosebumps arise on his skin, under her fingertips. He grabs her hand and brings it to his lips. "They are very wrong about you. You are a strong and capable woman."
"Thank you," she blushes and pulls her hand back.
"Tell me more about your wolf-mother?" he asks admiring the peace that covered her when she spoke of time living among wolves
She looks out at the lake, beyond the rose garden. The swans seem to soothe her as they swim, peacefully. "I don't remember much, I was young. What I do remember is being fed and kept alive by wolves. I guess if I were older, I would have been frightened. Maybe, that is what saved me. I have no idea why she took me in, instead of killing me and feeding me to her offspring." Tobias cringes at her words. "I learned everything about love and family through them, then, in one swift moment, it was all taken away." She sighs, turning her head as a tear rolls down her cheek. "When I was returned to my human family, I could see they wanted to accept me. But, they could not understand me, or the way I see things."
Tobias takes her hand, nudging her down a garden path, as she continues to speak. "I didn't know anything. My father flew in the best private counselors money could buy. Within three years, I was suitable enough to enter private school. Although I was rebellious, no one was any wiser about my childhood." She pauses to catch her breath and smell a rose nearby. "I think, living as a human among wolves, I learned to observe on a very deep level. I watched my mother and sisters scream and fuss about everything. And, when father came home, they waited on him, hand and foot. I was such a tomboy, and I think it caused a lot of problems. Because my sisters picked on me, I truly hated everything they represented. They spent days and nights dreaming about who they would marry, what kind of wives they would be, how many kids they would have, and all the frilly pink things that come along with that life. By the time I entered high school, I'd had enough of watching my sisters marry jerks who would flirt with me every chance they got."
"Which ones? Who?" Tobias asked jealously.
"Oh, I don't want any trouble," she giggles, amused by his response.
"I'm sorry; you must know I've wanted you since the day I laid eyes upon you," he confessed.
"Wha- really?" she says fumbling on her words. His confession run through her, sending shivers down her spine. "I had never experienced anything like this before," she whispers.
"Didn't you date in high school?" he question, then the name Morgan resurfaced again in his mind.
"No. High school does not hold the best memories."
"Why not?"
Azura comes to a stop and looks him, squarely, in the eyes. "Everyone assumed I was a lesbian."
Tobias' mouth falls open as the typical male fantasy plays out in his mind. "What gave them that idea?"
"All of the women in our house wear skirts and dresses...you have no idea what took place for them to get me into that awful wedding dress."
"Awful? You looked breathtaking in it."
"Yeah, well, that is the first time my sister got me into a dress without finding me naked somewhere, minutes later." She softly laughs to herself as they continue to walk.
"Seriously? You hate dresses that much?"
"I'm just not that type of person."
"But, that doesn't mean you’re a lesbian."
"I had a lot of lesbian friends, because they understood me. I played a lot of sports, because it felt great being outdoors, and active." She thinks back to her positive, high-school memories, remembering why she chose certain sports, such as soccer and powder-puff football. Exertion burned up the sexual energy boiling over inside her. Unfortunately, when sh
e stopped, it came back twice as strong.
"Teens enjoy the gossip train; that’s all it was."
"At the prom, I refused to have my date pick me up and be a part of traditional limo parade. I also refused to wear a dress, opting for a tux. My date showed up, but with another date. Then, he went on to tell everyone I was indeed a lesbian, and that I was only using him to fool my parents."
Tobias pauses, and takes her hand. "I'm sorry for everything you went through."
"It's not all your fault," Azura smiles. "Sometimes, late at night, I would sneak outside and howl..." Tears began to flow down her cheeks. Tobias pulls her into his arms. "I wanted to be back where I felt safe and comforted. I wanted to be back with my pack."